In the last months, the GRIT Consortium was engaged in an interesting and stimulating activity. Tens of students, researchers and academic staff were involved in dedicated actions of participatory research. Focus groups were run in all the Partners’ countries and they aimed at engaging the project’s stakeholders in a joint reflection on the topics of the Handbook.
Focus groups are part of qualitative research methodologies and were organised with the specific aim of engaging the target groups and supporting discussion on the main area of investigation of the project. They were planned to trigger discussion, raise awareness and collect valuable information on the points of view of the target groups.
Many themes were discussed, such as the impact of socio-cultural changes on HEIs, the role of AI and ML in redefining the digital landscape in education and research, the need for HEIs to support the development of transversal skills in students for their academic success and the networking strategies that HEIs and external stakeholders can use to achieve common benefits.
Results are being analysed now and will shortly be presented as part of the final GRIT Handbook.