Online EDTECH café

This event is a digital space to share and discuss the bridges between social sciences and artificial intelligence.

The LAST online EdTech café WAs:

19th April, 3pm CET

Title: AI and tutoring services
Scientific coordinators: Giacomo Nalli (Middlesex University); Miriam Bassi (Università di Foggia)

Reference article discussed: “Developing a custom AI learning coach” (link here)

The history of the EDTECH cafès is available on the project social media!

GRIT European events

18-20 September 2024
Lisbon, Portugal

International ACEEU Forum

12-14 September 2024
Potsdam, Germany
11-13 September 2024
Pisa, Italy

Participation at the Euromed Academy of Business

April 2023
Camerino, Italy.
Two workshops at the university Career Day: Stories of grit, Jobs20230&Agenda2030
4 June 2024
Cagliari, Italy

Presentation of the project at the third international conference of the journal "Scuola Democratica"

8 and 23 May 2024
Camerino and Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Two events within the Career Day at University of Camerino. Researchers, companies and students to discuss together the future of disciplines and the ethical challenges linked. 

14-15 May 2024
Sibiu, Romania

A European design thinking workshop to design tools to support young researchers' career development

21-23 February 2024
Zaragoza, Spain

The first Grit European conference.

International Congress for the Development of Socio-Emotional Competences.

December 2023

An online seminar to present the Grit handbook

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